Link to the project description:
The system is divided into two parts: the dashboard and the mobile app. Here are the instructions to run what we have implemented during the competition.
First of all, you need to run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
so that you will install the required libraries.
Then, you have to download two databases and put them inside the folder "dashboard_and_risk":
You need to create an account in Mapbox ( and put your token in the "" file. Also, an account in Mateomatics is needed and your username and password must also be put in the mentioned file.
Finally, make sure you are inside the folder "dashboard_and_risk" and run:
Just a small part of the dashboard was implemented:
- Active fire (data from FIRMS) visualization with high risk areas (prediction made with a very simple heuristic using only the wind direction - there was no time to build a prediction model);
- Relative humidity visualization;
- Wind speed and direction. In this map, the wind direction is represented by a rocket due to the absense of an arrow in the icons database (plotly dash). For wind speed, hover the mouse over each rocket.
To run the mobile just run at /mobile folder:
npm install
and then:
npm start
It will open the Expo server. You can install the Expo App in your phone, scan the Expo QR code, so the app will be running.
- We launched a MVP app, still not integrated with the active fire API. Just a base app for future improvements.