这是一款基因表达散点图可视化软件,用于分析两个基因是否在表达水平上具有 相关性。
该软件不仅考虑两个基因在所有条件下是否具有相关性,也考虑两个 基因在特定条件下是否具有相关性。
- g1.json是g1在各个样本中的表达值,JSON类型。例子:
{"Sample01": 2.53, "Sample02": 2.45, "Sample03": 1.88, "Sample04": 1.85, "Sample05": 1.94}
- g2.json是g2在各个样本中的表达值,JSON类型。例子:
{"Sample01": 9.05, "Sample02": 7.20, "Sample03": 6.94, "Sample04": 6.34, "Sample05": 6.78}
- info.json是每个样本的信息,JSON类型。例子:
{"Sample01": {"category": "Type1", "detail": "TBA"}, "Sample02": {"category": "Type1", "detail": "TBA"}, "Sample03": {"category": "Type1", "detail": "TBA"}, "Sample04": {"category": "Type1", "detail": "TBA"}, "Sample05": {"category": "Type1", "detail": "TBA"}}
使用tab2json或者csv2json将你的文件迅速转为Gene Expression Scatter Plot可以接收的格式。
tab2json.py gene1.tsv > gene1.json
csv2json.py gene1.csv > gene1.json
各个协作组在每个星期四进行每周总结(Weekly Review),讨论研究下一步工作。
日期 | 主持人 | 书记员 |
4.9 | 吴贞娴 | 蓝珲 |
4.16 | 刘莉莉 | 王智洋 |
4.23 | 徐梦旗 | 张珣 |
4.30 | 常思琦 | 唐叶尔 |
5.7 | 王海榕 | 常思琦 |
5.14 | 何可人 | 蒋佳玲 |
5.21 | 王智洋 | 陈俊蕾 |
5.28 | 王雪洁 | 徐梦旗 |
你需要开通账户才能提交报告。 如果你需要账号,请通过电子邮件联系蓝珲 lanhui at zjnu.edu.cn。
每个需求至少伴有一个测试。 我们用RMT.py这个Python小程序来产生Requirement Traceability Matrix。
该成员需要编辑 srs.txt 与 test.txt。 注意: 大家协作编辑 srs.txt 与 test.txt, 而不是每个组产生自己的 srs.txt 与 test.txt。 这两个文件在 gene_expression_scatter_plot/test 目录下。 对于整个软件,我们只需要一个需求追踪矩阵。
这是一个RTM.py软件的需求追踪矩阵例子。这是产生这个矩阵的 srs.txt 与 test.txt。
2019年4月课堂讨论: http://lanlab.org/course/2019s/se/category-specific-scatterplot.txt
2020年3月软件改进计划: http://lanlab.org/course/2020s/spm/decide-areas-for-improvement-review-class02395.html
余慧、叶红霞文档: https://omg-se-201736900117.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
我们需要将上述的需求分析文档内容合并,做出一个优于上述任何一个文档的文档。该文档的内容可能会与Requirement Traceability Matrix那节中提到的srs.txt的内容有所重合。 需要避免这种内容上的重合。 如果该文档中出现 srs.txt 中的内容,只需要引用 srs.txt 即可,而非重复 srs.txt 中的内容。不让同一内容出现在两个地方,这么做的目的是为了避免文档产生不一致性。
徐梦旗 学号:201732120124
We welcome your participation in this project.
Your participation does not have to be in the form of contributing code. You could help us on ideas, suggestions, documentation, etc.
You need to be an invited member of Lan Laboratory before you can push your feature branch or bugfix branch to the central reops at https://github.com/lanlab-org
Send Hui (lanhui at zjnu.edu.cn) an email message including your GitHub account name so that he could invite you to be a member of Lan Laboratory.
As of Apri 1, 2020, there are 33 members in Lan Laboratory (https://github.com/orgs/lanlab-org/people).
You will use the feature-branching workflow (see below) when interacting with the central repo. The main point of this workflow is that you work on a branch on your local drive, push that branch to the central repo, and create a Pull Request (i.e., Pull Me Request) at GitHub for other people to review your changes. When everything is OK, then someone could merge your changes to the master branch in the central repo.
I believe that code review at the Pull Request stage is important for both improving code quality and improving team quality.
We will use the feature-branching workflow for collaboration. The idea is that you make your own branch, work on it, and push this branch to the central repo for review.
Check the section The feature-branching workflow in the following link for more detail:
We use IRC for asynchronous communication.
Our IRC channel is at #scatterplot@irc.freenode.org.
Check IRC Instructions for quick start.
Mission statement
FAQ (should be grown gradually, not suddenly)
Developer Documentation
User Documentation
Code well commented (1 comment per 3-9 SLOC)
吴贞娴 201732120108
常思琦 201732120101
张珣 201732120109
王智洋 201830220719
BaekLi - 刘莉莉 - 201736900108
KerenHHH - 何可人 - 201736900106
Chenwen-922 - 陈俊蕾 -201736900103
URY88 - 唐叶尔 - 201736900111