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Code Katas are a great way to improve your chops and improve specific coding techniques.
- cyber-dojo.org is an excellent resource for practicing TDD and other skills. It's a bit ugly, but you can edit code directly in Atom with the cyber dojo atom package! Highly recommended.
- There are lots of great videos of people doing katas at codekatas.org
New to the programming? Intimidated by the words "Terminal" and "Command Prompt"? Not sure what to do when all you see is a blinking cursor? This may be your place to start!
Codecademy has a new course on the Command Line. It teaches basic navigation and and file manipulation before moving on to the more advanced but very useful concepts of IO redirection and environment configuration.
Sign up for a free account and try it out: https://www.codecademy.com/courses/learn-the-command-line