Laravel like Facades (static proxies) for PSR11 containers.
class HomeController
public function __invoke()
// It just works!
return View::render('home.index', [
'articles' => DB::query('SELECT * FROM articles')
PHP 7.2+ or 8+
Setup Container
$container = new \DI\Container();
$container->set('db', function () {
return new PDO('mysql:dbname=testdb;host=', 'dbuser', 'dbpass');
Create Static Proxies
// app/Facades/DB.php
class DB extends StaticProxy
public static function getInstanceIdentifier()
return 'db';
Setup Facades
$proxyManager = new ProxyManager($container);
$proxyManager->addProxy('DB', DB::class);
$proxyManager->addProxy('View', View::class);
- Static Proxy – Static class that proxies static method calls to instance methods on its Proxy Subject.
- Proxy Subject (Instance) – An object instance, stored in a Container, that is linked to a Static Proxy.
- Proxy Manager – Mediating object used to associate Static Proxies to an Alias Loader and Container.
- Alias – A memorable class name used as an alias to a fully-qualified class name of a Static Proxy class.
- Alias Loader – Maintainer of the associations between Aliases and Static Proxies. It is injected into the autoloader stack to handle Aliases as they are referenced.
- Container – A IoC container (e.g., a Service Locator or DIC) that provides the Proxy Subject instances. It must
implement the PSR-11 stardard's
. - Instance Identifier – An identifier used to fetch a Proxy Subject from a Container. Each Static Proxy must specify the Instance Identifier needed to get its Proxy Subject.
- Root Namespace – The namespace that an Alias can be referenced in. This can be configured as the global namespace (default), a specific namespace, or any namespace (i.e., the Alias works from any namespace).
ReStatic is based on the awesome package XStatic created by Jeremy Lindblom.
I would not consider myself to be for or against the use of static proxy interfaces (or Laravel's "Facades"), but I do think it is a fascinating and unique idea, and that it is very cool that you can write code this way and still have it work and be testable. I am curious to see if developers, especially library and framework developers, find ways to use, but not require, these static proxy interfaces in order to make their projects appeal to a wider range of PHP developers.
— Jeremy Lindblom