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How to Install

actions-user edited this page Apr 30, 2024 · 6 revisions


  • NOTE: Only Python 3.9 or later is supported!
  • Download the repo into lichess-bot directory.
  • Navigate to the directory in cmd/Terminal: cd lichess-bot.
  • Install pip: apt install python3-pip.
    • In non-Ubuntu distros, replace apt with the correct package manager (pacman in Arch, dnf in Fedora, brew in Mac, etc.), package name, and installation command.
  • Install virtualenv: apt install python3-virtualenv.
  • Setup virtualenv: apt install python3-venv.
python3 -m venv venv # If this fails you probably need to add Python3 to your PATH.
virtualenv venv -p python3
source ./venv/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Copy config.yml.default to config.yml.

Next step: Create a Lichess OAuth token


  • NOTE: Only Python 3.9 or later is supported!
  • If needed, install Python:
    • Download Python here.
    • When installing, enable "add Python to PATH".
    • If the Python version is at least 3.10, a default local install works.
    • If the Python version is 3.9, choose "Custom installation", keep the defaults on the Optional Features page, and choose "Install for all users" in the Advanced Options page.
  • Start Terminal, PowerShell, cmd, or your preferred command prompt.
  • Upgrade pip: py -m pip install --upgrade pip.
  • Download the repo into lichess-bot directory.
  • Navigate to the directory: cd [folder's address] (for example, cd C:\Users\username\repos\lichess-bot).
  • Install virtualenv: py -m pip install virtualenv.
  • Setup virtualenv:
py -m venv venv # If this fails you probably need to add Python3 to your PATH.
pip install -r requirements.txt

PowerShell note: If the activate command does not work in PowerShell, execute Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned first and choose Y there (you may need to run Powershell as administrator). After you execute the script, change execution policy back with Set-ExecutionPolicy Restricted and pressing Y.

  • Copy config.yml.default to config.yml.


If you have a Docker host, you can use the lichess-bot-devs/lichess-bot image in DockerHub.
It requires a folder where you have to copy config.yml.default to config.yml.

See Running with Docker once you've created the OAuth token and setup the engine.

Next step: Create a Lichess OAuth token