Pony-bm is a pure-pony implementation of the Boyer-Moore string search algorithm.
use "bm"
actor Main
new create(env: Env) =>
_env = env
let f = StringFinder("CG")
env.out.write(f.find(text).string() + "\n") // prints 0
env.out.write(f.find(text, 1).string() + "\n") // prints 2
for result in f.find_all(text) do
env.out.write(result.string() + "\n") // prints 0,2,5
make bench
It may be faster than the builtin String.find()` method.
Boyer-Moore algorithm computes statisics on the search pattern that speeds up
the search operation by skipping byte comparisions. This computation has a
cost, so the real speedup is achieved if the StringFinder
is reused. The
form of the pattern and of the searched text is important, too.
To decide if bm fits your needs, make benches.