To build the project, it is necessary to have Maven +3.5.0, and Java SE 8 Release installed. Then, run:
$ mvn clean package
This will generate a *.jar in the target
folder. If you find any issues
with the building, remove the *.jar files from the Maven local
repository with:
$ rm -fr ~/.m2/repository/ar/edu/itba/ss/*
Or do it manually, if you prefer.
In the root folder (after build):
$ java -jar target/tp5-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar <simulate | animate | flow>
Receives a JSON file with the following format:
"output" : "res/data/",
"delta" : "0.00003",
"time" : "15.0",
"fps" : "50",
"playbackSpeed" : "0.5",
"samplesPerSecond" : "200",
"integrator" : "BeemanIntegrator",
"reportEnergy" : "false",
"reportTime" : "true",
"radius" : ["0.01", "0.015"],
"mass" : "0.01",
"elasticNormal" : "1.0E+4",
"elasticTangent" : "2.0E+4",
"viscousDamping" : "20.0",
"siloDamping" : "15.0",
"generator" : "64684095347601931",
"n" : "370",
"height" : "1.0",
"width" : "0.4",
"drain" : "0.15",
"flowRate" : "0.1",
"injection" : ["0.75", "1.0"]
The complete simulation results. Includes the speed and pressure over every particle in every simulation step.
<x> <y> <r> <speed> <pressure>
This file contains the complete drain (i.e., the ID of a particle drained at a certain time).
<t> <id>
This is the windowed flow per unit of temporal step. The units are in [particles/second].
<t> <flow>
This is a reduced form of the simulation file, but sub-sampled.
<x> <y> <r> <speed> <pressure>
This file can be used in Ovito to render the simulation.
<x> <y> <r> <speed> <pressure>
- Simulation N° 1: Drain 0.15
- Simulation N° 2: Drain 0.19
- Simulation N° 3: Drain 0.23
- Simulation N° 4: Drain 0.27
- Simulation N° 5.1: Steady State (critic damping)
- Simulation N° 5.2: Steady State (over-critic damping)
This project has been built, designed and maintained by the following authors: