NetXr is a library that has been developed for the resaerch project "Games in Concert" ( . Video:
It allows to use a input device independant (tested are Desktop, Gaze, Vive Controllers) usage. So you can join the same session using desktop and a VR Device.
You will need to add the SteamVR Library. Optionally the Leap Motion hand tracking is supported (but not fully implemented). Different licensing options can be requested by contacting the developer. reto.spoerri (at)
Download the repo Add SteamVR library Open the basic scene NetXR/Scenes/NetXr-BasicSetup Choose the input device in the PlayerSettings GameObject Press Play
Get another Computer do the same and join the by defining the ip address, you can use a Desktop-PC without VR-Glasses as well.
Open the NetXr-Examples/02_Beta/LargeSample/Scenes/NetXr-Example-v2 Scene. Choose the input device in the PlayerSettings GameObject.
Start it on the other computer in the same network, it should join automatically by using our AutoDiscovery system.
(Windows Firewall can be problematic)