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Merge pull request #4 from m4lvin/bml-mathport
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Basic modal logic
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m4lvin authored Oct 31, 2023
2 parents 61f1d86 + 8507273 commit e46a3c1
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Showing 17 changed files with 2,884 additions and 2 deletions.
30 changes: 28 additions & 2 deletions .github/workflows/build.yml
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Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ jobs:
name: Build
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
fetch-depth: ${{ env.GIT_HISTORY_DEPTH }}

Expand All @@ -25,11 +25,29 @@ jobs:
- name: make
run: make

name: Build Bml
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
fetch-depth: ${{ env.GIT_HISTORY_DEPTH }}

- name: install elan
run: |
set -o pipefail
curl -sSf | sh -s -- --default-toolchain none -y
~/.elan/bin/lean --version
echo "$HOME/.elan/bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH
- name: make bml
run: make bml

name: Stats
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: actions/checkout@v4

- name: install ripgrep
run: sudo apt install -y ripgrep
Expand All @@ -41,3 +59,11 @@ jobs:
- name: count sorries
run: |
rg --count-matches sorry Pdl | awk -F ':' 'BEGIN {sum = 0} {sum += $2} {print $2 " " $1} END {print sum " sorries in total"}'
- name: Bml count lines in src
run: |
shopt -s globstar
wc -l Bml/**/*.lean
- name: Bml count sorries
run: |
rg --count-matches sorry Bml | awk -F ':' 'BEGIN {sum = 0} {sum += $2} {print $2 " " $1} END {print sum " sorries in total"}'
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions Bml.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
import «Bml».Syntax
import «Bml».Semantics
import «Bml».Setsimp
import «Bml».Modelgraphs
import «Bml».Tableau
import «Bml».Examples
import «Bml».Vocabulary
import «Bml».Soundness
import «Bml».Tableauexamples
import «Bml».Completeness
import «Bml».Partitions
import «Bml».Interpolation
255 changes: 255 additions & 0 deletions Bml/Completeness.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@

import Bml.Syntax
import Bml.Tableau
import Bml.Soundness

-- TODO: import Bml.modelgraphs

open HasSat

-- Each local rule preserves truth "upwards"
theorem localRuleTruth {W : Type} {M : KripkeModel W} {w : W} {X : Finset Formula}
{B : Finset (Finset Formula)} : LocalRule X B → (∃ Y ∈ B, (M, w)⊨Y) → (M, w)⊨X :=
intro r
cases r
case bot => simp
case Not => simp
case neg f notnotf_in_a =>
intro hyp
rcases hyp with ⟨b, b_in_B, w_sat_b⟩
intro phi phi_in_a
have b_is_af : b = insert f (X \ {~~f}) := by simp at *; subst b_in_B; tauto
have phi_in_b_or_is_f : phi ∈ b ∨ phi = ~~f :=
rw [b_is_af]
cases' phi_in_b_or_is_f with phi_in_b phi_is_notnotf
· apply w_sat_b
exact phi_in_b
· rw [phi_is_notnotf]
unfold Evaluate at *
-- this removes double negation
apply w_sat_b
rw [b_is_af]
simp at *
case Con f g fandg_in_a =>
intro hyp
rcases hyp with ⟨b, b_in_B, w_sat_b⟩
intro phi phi_in_a
simp at b_in_B
have b_is_fga : b = insert f (insert g (X \ {f⋀g})) := by subst b_in_B; ext1; simp
have phi_in_b_or_is_fandg : phi ∈ b ∨ phi = f⋀g :=
rw [b_is_fga]
cases' phi_in_b_or_is_fandg with phi_in_b phi_is_fandg
· apply w_sat_b
exact phi_in_b
· rw [phi_is_fandg]
unfold Evaluate at *
· apply w_sat_b; rw [b_is_fga]; simp
· apply w_sat_b; rw [b_is_fga]; simp
case nCo f g not_fandg_in_a =>
intro hyp
rcases hyp with ⟨b, b_in_B, w_sat_b⟩
intro phi phi_in_a
simp at *
have phi_in_b_or_is_notfandg : phi ∈ b ∨ phi = ~(f⋀g) := by
cases b_in_B
case inl b_in_B => rw [b_in_B]; simp; tauto
case inr b_in_B => rw [b_in_B]; simp; tauto
cases b_in_B
case inl b_in_B => -- b contains ~f
cases' phi_in_b_or_is_notfandg with phi_in_b phi_def
· exact w_sat_b phi phi_in_b
· rw [phi_def]
unfold Evaluate
rw [b_in_B] at w_sat_b
specialize w_sat_b (~f)
case inr b_in_B => -- b contains ~g
cases' phi_in_b_or_is_notfandg with phi_in_b phi_def
· exact w_sat_b phi phi_in_b
· rw [phi_def]
unfold Evaluate
rw [b_in_B] at w_sat_b
specialize w_sat_b (~g)

-- Each local rule is "complete", i.e. preserves satisfiability "upwards"
theorem localRuleCompleteness {X : Finset Formula} {B : Finset (Finset Formula)} :
LocalRule X B → (∃ Y ∈ B, Satisfiable Y) → Satisfiable X :=
intro lr
intro sat_B
rcases sat_B with ⟨Y, Y_in_B, sat_Y⟩
unfold Satisfiable at *
rcases sat_Y with ⟨W, M, w, w_sat_Y⟩
use W, M, w
apply localRuleTruth lr

-- Lemma 11 (but rephrased to be about local tableau!?)
theorem inconsUpwards {X} {ltX : LocalTableau X} :
(∀ en ∈ endNodesOf ⟨X, ltX⟩, Inconsistent en) → Inconsistent X :=
intro lhs
unfold Inconsistent at *
let leafTableaus : ∀ en ∈ endNodesOf ⟨X, ltX⟩, ClosedTableau en := fun Y YinEnds =>
(lhs Y YinEnds).some
exact ClosedTableau.loc ltX leafTableaus

-- Converse of Lemma 11
theorem consToEndNodes {X} {ltX : LocalTableau X} :
Consistent X → ∃ en ∈ endNodesOf ⟨X, ltX⟩, Consistent en :=
intro consX
unfold Consistent at *
have claim := Not.imp consX (@inconsUpwards X ltX)
simp at claim

def projOfConsSimpIsCons :
∀ {X ϕ}, Consistent X → Simple X → ~(□ϕ) ∈ X → Consistent (projection X ∪ {~ϕ}) :=
intro X ϕ consX simpX notBoxPhi_in_X
unfold Consistent at *
unfold Inconsistent at *
contrapose consX
simp at *
cases' consX with ctProj
apply ClosedTableau.atm notBoxPhi_in_X simpX
exact ctProj

theorem locTabEndSatThenSat {X Y} (ltX : LocalTableau X) (Y_endOf_X : Y ∈ endNodesOf ⟨X, ltX⟩) :
Satisfiable Y → Satisfiable X := by
intro satY
induction ltX
case byLocalRule X B lr next IH =>
apply localRuleCompleteness lr
cases lr
case bot W bot_in_W =>
simp at *
case Not ϕ h =>
simp at *
case neg ϕ notNotPhi_inX =>
simp at *
specialize IH (insert ϕ (X.erase (~~ϕ)))
simp at IH
apply IH
rcases Y_endOf_X with ⟨W, W_def, Y_endOf_W⟩
subst W_def
exact Y_endOf_W
case Con ϕ ψ _ =>
simp at *
specialize IH (insert ϕ (insert ψ (X.erase (ϕ⋀ψ))))
simp at IH
apply IH
rcases Y_endOf_X with ⟨W, W_def, Y_endOf_W⟩
subst W_def
exact Y_endOf_W
case nCo ϕ ψ _ =>
rw [nCoEndNodes, Finset.mem_union] at Y_endOf_X
cases Y_endOf_X
case inl Y_endOf_X =>
specialize IH (X \ {~(ϕ⋀ψ)} ∪ {~ϕ})
use X \ {~(ϕ⋀ψ)} ∪ {~ϕ}
· simp
· apply IH
convert Y_endOf_X;
case inr Y_endOf_X =>
specialize IH (X \ {~(ϕ⋀ψ)} ∪ {~ψ})
use X \ {~(ϕ⋀ψ)} ∪ {~ψ}
· simp
· apply IH
convert Y_endOf_X;
case sim X simpX => aesop

theorem almostCompleteness : ∀ n X, lengthOfSet X = n → Consistent X → Satisfiable X :=
intro n
induction n using Nat.strong_induction_on
case h n IH =>
intro X lX_is_n consX
refine' if simpX : Simple X then _ else _
-- CASE 1: X is simple
rw [Lemma1_simple_sat_iff_all_projections_sat simpX]
· -- show that X is not closed
by_contra h
unfold Consistent at consX
unfold Inconsistent at consX
simp at consX
cases' consX with myfalse
apply myfalse
unfold Closed at h
refine' if botInX : ⊥ ∈ X then _ else _
· apply ClosedTableau.loc; rotate_left; apply LocalTableau.byLocalRule
exact botInX
intro Y YinEmpty; exfalso; cases YinEmpty
rw [botNoEndNodes]; intro Y YinEmpty; exfalso; cases YinEmpty
· have f1 : ∃ (f : Formula) (_ : f ∈ X), ~f ∈ X := by tauto
have : Nonempty (ClosedTableau X) :=
rcases f1 with ⟨f, f_in_X, notf_in_X⟩
apply ClosedTableau.loc; rotate_left; apply LocalTableau.byLocalRule
apply LocalRule.Not ⟨f_in_X, notf_in_X⟩
intro Y YinEmpty; exfalso; cases YinEmpty
rw [notNoEndNodes]; intro Y YinEmpty; exfalso; cases YinEmpty
exact Classical.choice this
· -- show that all projections are sat
intro R notBoxR_in_X
apply IH (lengthOfSet (projection X ∪ {~R}))
· -- projection decreases lengthOfSet
subst lX_is_n
exact atmRuleDecreasesLength notBoxR_in_X
· rfl
· exact projOfConsSimpIsCons consX simpX notBoxR_in_X
-- CASE 2: X is not simple
rename' simpX => notSimpX
rcases notSimpleThenLocalRule notSimpX with ⟨B, lrExists⟩
have lr := Classical.choice lrExists
have rest : ∀ Y : Finset Formula, Y ∈ B → LocalTableau Y :=
intro Y _
set N := HasLength.lengthOf Y
exact Classical.choice (existsLocalTableauFor N Y (by rfl))
rcases@consToEndNodes X (LocalTableau.byLocalRule lr rest) consX with ⟨E, E_endOf_X, consE⟩
have satE : Satisfiable E := by
apply IH (lengthOfSet E)
· -- end Node of local rule is LT
subst lX_is_n
apply endNodesOfLocalRuleLT E_endOf_X
· rfl
· exact consE
exact locTabEndSatThenSat (LocalTableau.byLocalRule lr rest) E_endOf_X satE

-- Theorem 4, page 37
theorem completeness : ∀ X, Consistent X ↔ Satisfiable X :=
intro X
· intro X_is_consistent
let n := lengthOfSet X
apply almostCompleteness n X (by rfl) X_is_consistent
-- use Theorem 2:
exact correctness X

theorem singletonCompleteness : ∀ φ, Consistent {φ} ↔ Satisfiable φ :=
intro f
have := completeness {f}
simp only [singletonSat_iff_sat] at *
50 changes: 50 additions & 0 deletions Bml/Examples.lean
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import Bml.Syntax
import Bml.Semantics

open HasSat

theorem mytaut1 (p : Char) : Tautology ((·p)↣·p) :=
unfold Tautology Evaluate
intro W M w

open Classical

theorem mytaut2 (p : Char) : Tautology ((~~·p)↣·p) :=
unfold Tautology Evaluate
intro W M w

def myModel : KripkeModel ℕ where
val _ _ := True
Rel _ v := HEq v 1

theorem mysat (p : Char) : Satisfiable (·p) :=
unfold Satisfiable
exists ℕ
exists myModel
exists 1

-- Some validities of basic modal logic

theorem boxTop : Tautology (□⊤) := by
unfold Tautology Evaluate

theorem A3 (X Y : Formula) : Tautology (□(X⋀Y) ↣ □X⋀□Y) :=
unfold Tautology Evaluate
intro W M w
by_contra hyp
simp at hyp
unfold Evaluate at hyp
cases' hyp with hl hr
contrapose! hr
· intro v1 ass; exact (hl v1 ass).1
· intro v2 ass; exact (hl v2 ass).2

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