A set of classes to perform common tasks
TStringListConv provides methods for simple convert between TArray, TStringList, TStrings, TStringDynArray.
TSimpleLogger implements ILogger and supports the following log destinations:
- Windows Debug Output
- Console
- Event Log
- File
- TStrings instance
TPEInfoRetriever provides the following methods:
- GetFileHash(AFilePath, AHashName: string): string
- GetFileSize(AFilePath: string): int64
- GetShortVersionNum(AFilePath: string): string
- GetFullVersionNum(AFilePath: string): string
TObjectCloner can clone simple objects using Data.DBXJSONReflect marshall/unmarshall.
TUnmarshalManager implements IUnmarshalManager and can unmarshal objects from TJSONValue, TBytes, JSON string and JSON file.
TMarshalManager implements IMarshalManager and can marshal objects to TJSONValue, TBytes, JSON string and JSON file.
TExeRunner implements IExeRunner and has two methods:
- RunAndWait(AFilePath: string; AParameters: string = string.Empty)
- Run(AFilePath: string; AParameters: string = string.Empty)
TDeviceInfo provides the following methods:
- CPUCores: integer;
- OSVersion: string;
- Resolution: string;
- DisplayNames: TArray; and DisplayNamesStr: string;
- MemoryPercentInUse: DWORD;
- MemoryTotalPhys: DWORDLONG;
- MemoryAvailPhys: DWORDLONG;
- MemoryTotalVirtual: DWORDLONG;
- MemoryAvailVirtual: DWORDLONG;
- UserName: string;
- ComputerName: string;
- TimeZone: string;
- HardwareProfile: string;
- InstalledUpdatesList: TArray;
- ISHotFixID_Installed(const HotFixID: string): boolean;
- HardDiskCSerialNumber: string;