- Simple Clinic base website, where a patient can book an appointment according to the doctor and date of his choice.
- Doctors dashboard and Patients dashboard options are different.
- Doctors can see all Patients appointment from his dashboard.
- Doctors can add another Doctor from his dashboard.
- Doctors can change patient status.
- Users can see all his appointment history and current appointment from his dashboard.
- Device friendly and totally responsive.
- Secured Backend API with users jwt token.
Frontend: Html, CSS, Bootstrap, React-Bootstrap, React JS, Javascript, Firebase.
Bankend: Node JS, Express.
Database: MongoDB.
Other: React Hook Form, React Router Dom, JWT decode, Font Awesome Icon, Dotenv, etc.
Live site: https://doctors-portal-by-mahbub.netlify.app/
Frontend Github: https://github.com/MAHBUB-HASAN-HIRA/doctors-portal-client
Backend Github: https://github.com/MAHBUB-HASAN-HIRA/doctors-portal-server
My Portfolio: https://mahbubhasanhira.com/