- This is for a Gym with all features and functionality.
- User can place an order in online.
- Users can payment in online with stripe.
- An user can select different classes that he needs.
- User can get all information about this gym.
- Here is all information that needs a user.
- User can directly contact with the trainer by contact page.
- Users can give us a real-time review which will show on the home page.
- Device friendly and totally responsive.
Frontend: Html, CSS, Bootstrap, React JS, Javascript.
Other: React Hook Form, React Router Dom, React Stripe, Email JS, React Day Picker Font Awesome Icon, Dotenv, Netlify etc.
Live site: https://power-x-by-mahbub.netlify.app
Frontend Github: https://github.com/MAHBUB-HASAN-HIRA/power-x-client
My Portfolio: https://mahbubhasanhira.com/