A simple java library to control your Luxafor device via usb4java
Luxafor is an LED indicator that connects to your computer through a USB port or via Bluetooth, and shows your availability or notifies you about important information, like incoming emails or calendar reminders.
Its Hardware Api is open, allowing developers to control the device through their own applications.
You can go to http://luxafor.com/ to get more information about it.
LuxaforDevice luxaforDevice = findDevice(LuxaforDevice.class);
luxaforDevice.setColor(Led.ALL, Colors.BLUE);
Just add following dependency definitions to your pom.xml
- Sometimes first run doesn't work, have to run command a second time
On Linux you need write permissions on the device file of the Luxafor USB device you want to communicate with.
Check if the devices are accessible when running your program as root. If this works then it is recommended to
configure udev
to give your user write permissions when the device is attached.
1: Create a file, /lib/udev/rules.d/50-luxafor.rules
with the following contents:
# Allow Luxafor USB control
ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="04d8", ATTRS{idProduct}=="f372", MODE="660", GROUP="plugdev"
2: Reload the udevadm
using the following commands:
sudo udevadm control --reload
sudo udevadm trigger
3: Unplug and reinsert your Luxafor device
- Seems the Luxafor app has to be at least running in the tray for commands to persist
- Opening the Luxafor app switches the color to Green/Red (depeding on last used?)
- Seems that it doesn't always return to the exact same state it was in before a strobe or pattern is ran
Simple method to change the color of the given led's.
luxaforDevice.setColor(Led.ALL, Colors.BLUE);
luxaforDevice.setColor(Led.ALL, Colors.hex2Rgb("#FFFFFF"));
Similar to setColor, the only difference it will transition smoothly from previous color to the one specified.
Speed is a number 0-255 that represents the speed of the transition, 0 is the quickest 255 is the slowest.
device.fadeColor(Led.ALL, Colors.BLUE, FadeCommand.SPEED_FAST);
device.fadeColor(Led.ALL, Colors.BLUE, 25);
Strobe/Flash color for an amount of times specified in repeat parameter.
Speed 0 to 255 number determines delay between each blink
Repeat 0 to 255 number amount of times to blink before returning to previous state
device.strobeColor(Led.ALL, Colors.GREEN, FadeCommand.SPEED_FAST, 10);
device.strobeColor(Led.ALL, Colors.GREEN, 25, 10);
Starts a wave that goes through all the leds with the pattern specified in type variable
There are 4 types available:
- Wave.SHORT - short wave
- Wave.LONG - long wave
- Wave.SHORT_OVERLAPPING - overlapping short wave
- Wave.LONG_OVERLAPPING - overlapping long wave
device.waveColor(Wave.LONG_OVERLAPPING, Colors.MAGENTA, FadeCommand.SPEED_FAST, 5);
device.waveColor(Wave.LONG_OVERLAPPING, Colors.MAGENTA, 15, 5);
Turns off all leds