A starter kit using webpack 2 and gulp.
Note: The examples in this kit are using jQuery but are not concrete to the project.
- Create a command to remove the boilerplate code.
- Create a command to quickly scaffold the app (with different presets).
A list of features in this kit.
- Build Tools
- Environment
- BrowserSync (browser-sync)
- Webpack Dev Middleware (webpack-dev-middleware)
- Webpack Hot Middleware (webpack-hot-middleware)
- Docker (TODO) (docker)
- BrowserSync (browser-sync)
- Style Support
- Sass/Scss (gulp-sass)
- Minification (gulp-cssnano)
- Media Query Packer (gulp-combine-mq)
- Globbing (gulp-sass-glob)
- Sprites (Sprite Scss File) (gulp.spritesmith)
- Sourcemaps (gulp-sourcemaps)
- Script Support (Webpack 2)
- ES2015+
- Asynchronous Modules (Code Splitting)
- Tree Shaking (Tree Shaking)
- Uglify (Production) (uglifyjs-webpack-plugin)
- This comes with Webpack 2 (Minification)
- Sourcemaps (devtool)
- (source-maps)
- (devtool)
- Linting (eslint)
- Webpack Loader (eslint-loader)
- Eslint Standard rules (eslint-config-standard)
- Eslint Ignore Files (Ignoring Files and Directories)
- Hot Module Replacement (NEED SOURCE)
- Common Chunks (CommonsChunkPlugin)
- Define Global Constants (define-plugin)
- Stream (Dist) (webpack-stream)
- Image Support
- Minification (gulp-imagemin)
- Sprites (Sprite Image File) (gulp.spritesmith)
- Html Support
- Includes (gulp-file-include)
- Font Support
- Supported but no tooling, only copies from one folder to another.
- Unit Test Support
- Utility Support
- Conditional Pipe Control (gulp-if)
- Pipe Cleaner (gulp-plumber)
- Sequential or Parallel Tasks (run-sequence)
- Deleting Files (del)
- Consistent Code Formatting Rules (editorconfig)
TODO: https://www.docker.com/
TODO: Benchmark.js with graphs / platforms to show performance and any degradation over time.