👉 I'm Antoine Marcadé, 29 years old's Data Analyst.
👉 I'm living in suburbs of Paris
👉 My last study was a 1-year data analyst professional training at OpenClassrooms academy in november 2022
👉 I'm open to work getting the opportunity helping companies to value their data and find keys indicator to improve business
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Data Analyst tools to deliver reliables analyses and build dynamics data representation (Tableau Software Application, Data Studio & Grafana dashboard...)
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on every topics using data to find the best way to solve a problem (healthcare, sport, music, weather, food, education)
- 💬 Ask me about my favorite music/movies or whatever you want around data. Easier to take a cup of coffee and talk :)
- 📫 email address: marcadeantoine@gmail.com be free to contact me and I'll try to answer you as fast as I can
- ⚡ Fun fact: Did you know the difference between greens and blacks olives ?