Differential equations of the type: y'' = f(x, y, y')
Due to the implementation with pointers to arrays, all of the variables are stored in arrays.
Console Output:
x: 0.000
y: 0.000
yd: 4.000
ydd: -8.000
x: 0.050
y: 0.191
yd: 3.636
ydd: -8.000
x: 0.100
y: 0.365
yd: 3.337
ydd: -6.600
x: 0.150
y: 0.525
yd: 3.095
ydd: -5.380
The code is ready to run.
[1] Papula, Lothar. (2015, p. 485f). Mathematik für Ingenieure und Naturwissenschaftler - Band 2. 14th edition.