Upload Bunq transactions to Lunch Money
$ composer install
In order to start syncing transactions to Lunch Money, please update the config.php
// Enter your bunq API key
// Go to bunq app and click the profile tab
// Tap 'Security & Settings' and then 'Developers'
// Go to 'API Keys' and click the plus icon
bunqApiKey = '[YOUR BUNQ API KEY]';
// The callback URL must point to your (HTTPS) URL
bunqCallbackUrl = 'https://bunq-to-lunchmoney.example.com/callback.php';
// Replace with your own secure location to store the API context details
bunqFileName = 'bunq.conf';
bunqIsSandbox = true;
bunqIsCompany = false;
// Visit https://my.lunchmoney.app/developers to request an access token
lunchMoneyAccessToken = '[YOUR LUNCH MONEY ACCESS TOKEN]';
// It's possible to map your bunq accounts to your Lunch Money accounts (Assets)
// This way, transactions can be imported from/to the right accounts
// If you run install.php, you'll see a list of your bunq and Lunch Money accounts
lunchMoneyMapping = [];
// Example:
lunchMoneyMapping = [
'your_cash_bunq_accound_id' => 'your_cash_lunch_money_asset_id',
'your_savings_bunq_accound_id' => 'your_savings_lunch_money_asset_id'
After setting the right configuration, run install.php
once to connect with bunq and create the callback URL.
The callback URL will be called when a MUTATION
event is triggered on one of your bunq accounts. The most recent transactions for each active bunq account (or mapped, see lunchMoneyMapping
) will be uploaded to Lunch Money. Duplicate transactions will be automatically ignored by Lunch Money.