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Marty(Sama0134) Support Library for C++20


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Marty(Sama0134) Support Library for C++17 (C++14 backward-compatible)

What it contains

It includes:

  • <msl/bench.h>
    • msl::avg_bench(func, tries = 10000, retries = 100); perform easy benchmark tests and print the result by average
    • msl::avg_evaluate(func, tries = 10000, retries = 100); perform easy benchmark tests and return the ms by average
    • msl::avg_named_bench(name, func, tries = 10000, retries = 100); same as bench, but with a name by average
    • msl::bench(func, tries = 100000); perform easy benchmark tests and print the result
    • msl::evaluate(func, tries = 100000); perform easy benchmark tests and return the ms
    • msl::named_bench(name, func, tries = 100000); same as bench, but with a name
  • <msl/cast.h>
    • msl::truncate_cast<T>; Truncate floating-point
    • msl::truncate<T>; Truncate floating-point and throw msl::truncate_error exception if check fails.
    • msl::integral_cast<T>; Truncate floating-point to integral and throw msl::truncate_error exception if check fails.
    • msl::inherit_cast<T>; static_cast vs dynamic_cast? inherit_cast!
  • <msl/assert.h>
    • msl::check_assert(condition); inline function for asserts (instead of macros)
    • msl::test_assert(name, condition); inline function for test asserts (instead of macros)
    • msl::test_error; exception class for tests
  • <msl/file_ptr.h> Smart pointer (wrapper) for FILE.
    • msl::file_ptr:
      • file_ptr(string_view filename, mode = "r"), open(string_view filename, mode = "r"); open filename and take ownership.
      • file_ptr(wstring_view filename, mode = "r"), open(wstring_view filename, mode = "r"); open filename and take ownership.
      • file_ptr(FILE * f), open(FILE * f, mode = "r"); take ownership of another FILE.
      • operator*(), operator->(), get(), get_ptr(), get_ref(); returns the ptr of file
      • operator!(), operator bool(), is_open(); returns true if file ptr is not null
      • close(), reset(); close the file and reset the ptr
      • reset(string_view filename, mode = "r"); reset and open a new file
      • reset(wstring_view filename, mode = "r"); reset and open a new file
      • reset(FILE * f); reset and take ownership of a new file
      • release(); release the file ptr
      • size(); return the whole file size
      • remain_size(); return the remaining file size to read
      • write(vector<char> vec); write vector data into file
      • write(buf, size); write buffer data into file
      • string_write(string str); write string into file
      • string_write(char * str); write zstring into file
      • read(void * buf, &n = 0); read n bytes (0=all remaining) from file and store into buf
      • vector<char> read(&n = 0); read n bytes (0=all remaining) from file and return it as vector
      • string_read(void * buf, &n = 0); read n bytes (0=all remaining) from file and store into a null-terminated buf
      • string string_read(&n = 0); read n bytes (0=all remaining) from file and return it as string
      • getline(char delim = '\n'); read a line ending with 'delim' from file and return it as string
      • filename(); return the filename
      • wfilename(); return the filename (windows only)
  • <msl/macro.h>
    • MSL_FOR_LOOP(count); wrapper of for (auto i = 0; i < count; ++i)
    • MSL_FOR_LOOP_VAR(count, varname); like MSL_FOR_LOOP but with varname instead of i
    • MSL_FOR_LOOP_VAR_START(count, varname, start); like MSL_FOR_LOOP_VAR but with custom default i initialization
    • MSL_FOR_RLOOP(count); reverse loop version of MSL_FOR_LOOP
    • MSL_FOR_RLOOP_VAR(count, varname); reverse loop version of MSL_FOR_LOOP_VAR
    • MSL_FOR_RLOOP_VAR_START(count, varname, start); reverse loop version of MSL_FOR_LOOP_VAR_START
    • MSL_RUN_TEST(func); it runs the whole test case by passing a function / lambda
    • MSL_TEST_ASSERT(name, condition); it checks a named test unit
    • MSL_TEST_ASSERT_WN(condition); it checks an unnamed test unit
  • <msl/random.h>
    • msl::gen_random_number<T>(min = 0, max); it returns an instance to return random integral/real numbers between min and max
    • msl::random_int<T>(min=<T>::min_value, max=<T>::max_value); pick a random integral number between min and max (min max included)
    • msl::random_real<T>(min=<T>::min_value, max=<T>::max_value); pick a random floating point number between min and max (min max included)
    • msl::random_number<T>(min=<T>::min_value, max=<T>::max_value); pick a random number (real/integral autodetected) a between min and max (min max included)
    • msl::random_from<T>(container); picks a random element from container (both std container and c-array are supported)
  • <msl/range.h>
    • msl::range<T>(&min = 0, max); perform for-range loop with no memory allocation (10x faster than xrange!)
    • msl::xrange<T>(&min = 0, max, &diff = 1.0); perform for-range loop using a runtime generated vector
  • <msl/util.h>
    • msl::string_split(str, char token); split a string into a vector by providing a single delim character (2x faster than string version)
    • msl::string_split(str, string token); split a string into a vector by providing the delim string
    • msl::string_split_any(str, string tokens); split a string into a vector by providing any of the single delim characters
    • msl::string_join(vector<string>, token); join all the vector elements with the token into a string
    • msl::string_replace(str, char from, char to); replace all occurrences of 'from' to 'to' returning a new string (3x faster than string version)
    • msl::string_replace(str, string from, string to); replace all occurrences of 'from' to 'to' returning a new string
    • msl::string_replace_in_place(str, char from, char to); replace all occurrences of 'from' to 'to' in the input str
    • msl::string_replace_in_place(str, string from, string to); replace all occurrences of 'from' to 'to' in the input str (3x faster than string version, 4x faster than copied replace)
    • msl::refill(array, value=default()); default/custom-initialize the specific c array
    • msl::refill(container, value=default()); default/custom-initialize the specific std container
    • msl::trim(str, chars); also msl::rtrim, msl::ltrim, msl::trim_in_place, msl::rtrim_in_place, msl::ltrim_in_place, msl::whitespaces

How to use it

#include <msl/msl.h>


No dependencies.

Each include is also self-contained and header-only.