imgui in gd using only cocos! no hooks or anything for geode
link to it like any other cmake library, you can also use cpm which comes with geode
CPMAddPackage("gh:matcool/gd-imgui-cocos#commithash") # specify a commit!
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} imgui-cocos)
You may specify what version of imgui you want to use by setting IMGUI_VERSION
before including the library:
set(IMGUI_VERSION "v1.70")
Or even get imgui yourself, and setting the HAS_IMGUI
Make sure you call the setup
method! Even if you don't need the callback you can use the overload with no args.
#include <imgui-cocos.hpp>
$on_mod(Loaded) {
ImGuiCocos::get().setup([] {
// this runs after imgui has been setup,
// its a callback as imgui will be re initialized when toggling fullscreen,
// so use this to setup any themes and or fonts!
}).draw([] {
ImGui::Begin("My awesome window");
ImGui::Button("Awesome button");
This code will create a floating window that will persist throughout scenes, and should always be on top of everything
Heres how you can add your own fonts from mod resources, because i always forget.
Make sure that in your mod.json
the ttf is a file
, instead of a font! you don't want it as a gd font, you want the actual ttf file
ImGuiCocos::get().setup([] {
// you should do this in setup! ok thx
auto* font = ImGui::GetIO().Fonts->AddFontFromFileTTF((Mod::get()->getResourcesDir() / "whatever.ttf").string().c_str(), 16.0f);
// do something with the font.. like io.FontDefault or something
})//.draw(... etc