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Mautic statsapp

This application is used to process telemetry from Mautic instances. It stores things like Mautic version, PHP version, etc. and currenty lives on

Local setup

If you want to make local changes to this repo, please do the following:

  • Clone this repo
  • Copy app/config/parameters.yml.dist to app/config/parameters.yml and make sure to put in your database host/credentials/etc. - you should be able to leave all other config options untouched.
  • Run export SYMFONY_ENV=dev to make sure that Symfony uses the development environment.
  • Run composer install to install the dependencies.
  • Run bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load (ONLY in local environments!) to put some dummy data into the database

Putting changes live on production

The live version on doesn't update itself currently. Here's what you need to do to publish any changes you make in the master branch:

  • SSH into the server (the infrastructure team can give you access)
  • cd /var/www/statsapp
  • git pull --> this will pull the latest changes from this Git repo
  • composer install --> this will also clear the cache
  • Good to go! Double-check if you can still access the site.