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Unity project validator framework.

Getting Started

Add a custom validate check using the IValidatable interface:

using Validator;

public class MyBehaviour : MonoBehaviour, IValidatable
    [SerializeField] private float startHealth = 10; // If someone was to put it to low <= 0, it would be invalid.

    public void Validate(Report report)
        	// Check if health is valid.
		if(startHealth <= 0)
            		// If not, log it.
			report.Log(this, WarningType.Warning, ReportCategories.Design, $"{nameof(startHealth)} is to low", $"Make value > 0");

Add a validate check using [Required] attribute:

[SerializeField, Required] private GameObject playerPrefab = null; // If someone forgets to assign it, it would be invalid.

Open Validator Window:

Window -> General -> Validator

Run the validator:

Click the 'run/play' button and wait for the report to be generated.


Installing from a Git URL


Overall package is licensed under MIT, unless otherwise noted in the 3rd party licenses file and/or source code.