Old source code for my online CV – see github.com/mcalthrop/cv-react for latest
This codebase contains the source for the AngularJS version of my online CV: matt-calthrop-cv.herokuapp.com/.
It uses the following features:
- Yarn for dependency management
- ES2015/ES6
- Eslint for linting
- AngularJS as the SPA framework
- SkeletonCSS for the design framework
- Contentful for hosting the content
- Travis for CI testing
- Heroku for deployment and hosting
You can fork this repo, and run it locally yourself. Following are instructions for setting it up and running it.
Follow the instructions here:
Install the NodeJS packages:
$ yarn
App code is in the
In a terminal tab, you can use nodemon
$ yarn nodemon
To check if the API is running, browse to:
To run all tests:
$ yarn test
Check the
file for the Eslint rules.
The Javascript code can be linted as follows:
$ yarn lint
And to auto-correct any errors that can be corrected:
$ yarn lint:fix