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A Node-Red wrapper for Logsene
It makes your "Things" logging to the cloud. Where else? On your device is not much space!
The node-red-contrib-logsene node makes it easy to log directly from node-red to Logsene by Sematext. If no text is specified in "msg.log" it logs "msg.payload". In any case it adds the complete msg object as JSON object.
- Drag and drop on node-red
- Settings UI - for Logsene Token and name of the log for your app
- Logging to Sematext SaaS service Logsene On-Premises edition
- Get a free Logsene account
- Create a new app in Logsene to obtain an access token
Change to your node-red working directory then use
npm install node-red-contrib-logsene
Restart node-red
Open your browser (e.g. http://localhost:1880)
The module 'logsene' registers to node-red you can find in the storage section on the left side panel in node-red.
Drag the Logsene module to your worksheet
double click on it to configure
Enter the Logsene app token and name the log (e.g. iotLogger)
- current limitation: pls. don't use special characters in it like '-'
- For example you want to log from a browser or app via WebSocket to the Logsene service:
websocket -> logsene
- You want to track msg objects from MQTT devices
mqtt -> logsene
- You want to log all tweets about you using sentiment analysis
twitter -> sentiment -> logsene
- Debug Node-Red flows - log msg objects in your flow at different places
Add parallel connection to outgoing connectors, in Logsene view by timestamp how your message changed in the flow