Review the basics with a set of cherry-picked assignments from the selection Piscine.
Exercises | Task |
Ex00 | ls -l in folder should display specific things. |
Ex01 | Create a file which show Z when displayed with cat command. |
Ex02 | Find a command line that will search from current directory and any sub-directories files ending with ~ or beginning by #. It will show and delete these. Only one command allowed, no ";" or "&&" |
Ex03 | Find a command line that will search from current directory and any sub-directories files ending by ".sh", displaying only their name without ".sh" |
Ex04 | Write a command line that displays MAC adresses from your machine. |
Ex05 | Create a file containing ONLY "42", named "?$*'KwaMe'*$?". |
Ex06 | void ft_print_alphabet(void); Show the alphabet in lowercase a > z. |
Ex07 | void ft_print_numbers(void); Write all numbers on the same line 1 > 9. |
Ex08 | void ft_is_negative(int n); Return N when n is negative or P when it is positive (0 is positive). |
Ex09 | void ft_ft(int *nbr); Give the *nbr pointer the value 42. |
Ex10 | void ft_swap(int *a, int *b); Swap integers values using their adresses. |
Ex11 | void ft_div_mod(int a, int b, int *div, int *mod); Divide a by b and store at *div, store the rest at *mod. |
Ex12 | int ft_iterative_factorial(int nb); Iterative function that returns a number, result of factorial from nb. |
Ex13 | int ft_recursive_factorial(int nb); Returns the factorial of nb, recursively. |
Ex14 | int ft_sqrt(int nb); Returns square root of nb if it exist, else returns 0. |
Ex15 | void ft_putstr(char *str); Display a string. |
Ex16 | int ft_strlen(char *str); Reproduces strlen behavior. |
Ex17 | int ft_strcmp(char *s1, char *s2); Reproduces strcmp behavior. |
Ex18 | Write a program that displays arguments passed in command line. |
Ex19 | Write a program that display arguments passed in command line, ordered by ASCII. |
Ex20 | char *ft_strdup(char *src); Reproduces strdup behavior. |
Ex21 | int *ft_range(int min, int max); Returns an int array containing all integers between min and max. |
Ex22 | Write a macro ABS that replaces it's parameter by an absolute value. |
Ex23 | Write an ft_point.h that will compile the ft_point.c |
Ex24 | Makefile. Fetches src in /src, headers in /includes, require clean/fclean/re/all rules. |
Ex25 | void ft_foreach(int *tab, int length, void(*f)(int)); Apply a function on all elements of an array. |
Ex26 | int ft_count_if(char **tab, int(*f)(char*)); Returns number of elements in the array that returns 1. |
Ex27 | Write a program called ft_display_file that displays content of file passed in argument on STDOUT. Makefile with all/clean/fclean. Malloc FORBIDDEN. Errors display on STDERR. |