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Swarm Deployment


This repository defines Pulumi Component Resources for deploying compute instances and initialising a docker swarm.


SSH Keys

For automated deployments, an SSH key is generated on the deploying device, and is added to the compute instance. This allows the deployer to create a docker context to connect and deploy a stack to the swarm cluster. This can be done by adding an ssh context from local machine, i.e. docker context create test-swarm --docker "host=ssh://deployer@{instance-ip}"

Compute Instances

The program creates and manages compute instances on GCP. The first instance is initialized as the Docker Swarm manager node. Subsequent instances join the Swarm using a token saved in Google Secret Manager. Each instance:

  • Is within the subnet created by the SwarmNetwork component. The instances are assigned different zones (a, b or c) based on the instance number (e.g. instance 0,3,6 etc. would be zone a, 1,4,7 etc. would be b, and 2,5,8 etc. would be c)
  • Has docker installed and initialises/joins docker swarm node
  • Has generated SSH key added so the deployer can easily interact with the cluster.

Network Components

The following network components are created:

  • The defined swarm network.
  • A subnet with a specified CIDR range and a secondary range for Docker communications.
  • Firewall rules:
    • Internal Swarm Communication: Allows nodes in the Swarm to communicate with each other, accepting all tcp, udp, icmp and esp connections between instances.
    • SSH Access: Permits SSH access to the instances for specified IPs
    • Service Access: If any services are exposed on the nodes, this rule will ensure they're accessible.

How to use module

This module can be used by either importing the module into a pulumi program, or by cloning and using this repository directly.


To use this module the following prerequisites must be met:

  • Python version 3.10+ installed
  • Pulumi version 3+
  • Google APIs enabled:
    • Compute Engine
    • Secret Manager
  • Service account to be used by compute instances (set by compute_sa), with roles/secretmanager.admin to create and access the secrets for swarm initialisation

Import module

  1. Create a pulumi program
  2. Include this module in requirements.txt (e.g. swarm-deployment @ git+
  3. Use Component resources in code (see example)


  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Navigate to the directory containing the Pulumi program.
  3. Modify the configuration for the stack
  4. Run pulumi up. Review the proposed changes and confirm the deployment.


Both importing and cloning methods require configuration of pulumi.<stack-name>.yml. The values can either be configured by setting up the file directly or using the pulumi config command.

The required values to be set are:

  • gcp:project: The Google project where the resources will be deployed
  • <pulumi-program-name>:docker_token_secret_name: The name that the secret holding the docker token should have
  • <pulumi-program-name>:name: Name for the cluster, i.e. the prefix for all resources deployed

Note pulumi-program-name refers to the name value in Pulumi.yaml, so if cloning this repo that would be "swarm-deployment-gcp".

Remaining configuration values are:

  • region: Deployment region for resources (default: "europe-west2")
  • subnet_cidr_range: CIDR range for subnet (default: "")
  • ssh_pub_keys:SSH keys to add to instances with format 'username: public-ssh-key' (default: Map containing generated "deployer" ssh key)
  • include_current_ip: Whether to include the current deployers IP in allowed_ips for ssh access to instances (default: true)
  • allowed_ips: IPs with SSH access to instances and access to docker service ports (default: Empty list, unless include_current_ip is true, where the list will contain the IP of the deployer)
  • compute_sa: Service account used by the compute instances. Note this service account must have access to docker token secret (default: uses default compute service account)
  • service_ports: Docker service ports accessible by specified ips (default: [])
  • machine_type: Compute instance machine type, (default: "e2-micro")
  • instance_image_id: Compute instance image id, with the format "{project}/{image}", or "{project}/{family}" (default: "ubuntu-os-cloud/ubuntu-2204-lts")
  • instance_count: Number of compute instances to have in the swarm (default: 3)
  • generate_ssh_key: Whether to generate deployer ssh key to allow access to instance (default false)
  • generated_ssh_key_path: Storage path for the generated ssh private key file (default "./deployer_ssh_key")


"""A Google Cloud Python Pulumi program"""

import pulumi
from swarm_deployment_gcp import SwarmDeploymentGCP, SwarmDeploymentGCPArgs

config = pulumi.Config()

config_args = {
    "name": config.require("name"),
    "docker_token_secret_name": config.require("docker_token_secret_name"),
    "region": config.get("region"),
    "subnet_cidr_range": config.get("subnet_cidr_range"),
    "ssh_pub_keys": config.get_object("ssh_pub_keys"),
    "include_current_ip": config.get_bool("include_current_ip"),
    "allowed_ips": config.get_object("allowed_ips"),
    "compute_sa": config.get("compute_sa"),
    "service_ports": config.get_object("service_ports"),
    "machine_type": config.get("machine_type"),
    "instance_image_id": config.get("instance_image_id"),
    "instance_count": config.get_int("instance_count"),
    "generated_ssh_key_path": config.get("generated_ssh_key_path")

deployment = SwarmDeploymentGCP(SwarmDeploymentGCPArgs(**config_args))

Pulumi preview structure

Example pulumi preview will look like:

Previewing update (dev):
     Type                                    Name                          Plan       Info
 +   pulumi:pulumi:Stack                     swarm-deployment-gcp-dev      create     1 message
 +   ├─ pkg:swarm:SwarmNetwork               test-network-infrastructure   create     
 +   │  ├─ gcp:compute:Network               test-swarm-network            create     
 +   │  ├─ gcp:compute:Subnetwork            test-instance-subnet          create     
 +   │  ├─ gcp:compute:Firewall              test-swarm-internal-firewall  create     
 +   │  ├─ gcp:compute:Firewall              test-ssh-firewall             create     
 +   │  └─ gcp:compute:Firewall              test-service-firewall         create     
 +   └─ pkg:swarm:SwarmCluster               test-swarm-cluster            create     
 +      ├─ gcp:compute:Instance              test-swarm-node-0             create     
 +      ├─ gcp:compute:InstanceTemplate      test-swarm-node-template      create     
 +      ├─ gcp:compute:InstanceFromTemplate  test-swarm-node-1             create     
 +      └─ gcp:compute:InstanceFromTemplate  test-swarm-node-2             create     


To destroy all resource in the stack run pulumi down. The "deployer" ssh key might still remain in your ssh agent afterward and may need removing.


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This project is licensed under the MPL 2.0