It is’s nfs-e API implementation example
- access
- Click in sign up and create you account to test API.
- After login, click in ACCOUNT, then click in ACCESS KEY and copy you API KEY.
- Can you test invoice issuer, but before is necessary create a company. For create a company you can run integration test about Company, the test class is CompanyClientIntegrationTests. It is necessary set your api key on there. In the path nfe-api-client\UnitTests\FileToTest have json's example to create a company or invoice.
- After create a company running the integration test, do you should to take the companyId to use on invoice issuer.
- Now, set your companyId and ApiKey at IntegrationTest’s solution InvoiceClientIntegrationTests class, this class have function to issuer an invoice of test.
- It is necessary visual studio or visual studio code and .NET core SDK 2.1
- First of all, you should to create an appsettings.development.json to configure environment variables. This file should be equal the appsettings.json, use it as example. Set your companyId, ApiKey etc there.
- Open Test Explorer on IDE. It is recommended Group by Tests using Traits option.
- Run all unit Tests to check if all logical tests there are passing.
- Run All Integration tests to verify “acceptance” API test, it is recommended run one by one and debug to understand flow. This tests issuer, cancel or get an invoice etc.
- Visual Stuadio IDE - The web framework used
- Nuget - Dependency Management
- SDK - Used .Net core 2.1
- Michel Balthazar - Initial work