Simple script to make Windows shortcut working with Sandboxie more convienient.
Right-click on any file or program you want to create shortcut that working inside Sandboxie and choose entry "Create shortcut".
Choose sandbox that file or program will be opened inside.
- First, make sure you have installed Autohotkey (
- Clone this then run build.bat.
If you have custom icon, then run build as:
build.bat <path-to-ico-file>
Example: build.bat .\icon.ico
The compiled files will be in ".\build" folder.
- First download script in releases page..
- Extract anywhre in your computer.
- Run RegInstaller.exe to add right-click context menu in File Explorer.
- Find your extract directory when you installed the script and run RegUninstaller.exe.
- You can delete leftover log files at "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Sandboxie Shortcut Creator".