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Version Manager for Cordova* Software

This tool will help you install and use multiple versions of Cordova. We create a folder .cvm and install the versions in there.


Use NPM* for installation

npm install -g version-manager-cordova-software



       list - list available covdova versions installed
       install [5.1.1] - Install a cordova version
       uninstall [5.1.1] - Uninstall a cordova version
       use [5.1.1] - Switch to a specific version of cordova
       version - List current version of Cordova
       remote - List available remote versions of cordova to install
cvm install 5.1.1  # install 5.1.1
cvm use 5.1.1      # use 5.1.1
cvm use system     # use the version installed via npm

shell profile entry

You must add an entry to your shell so our Cordova script is called before the Cordova commands installed by npm.

Please add the following to your shell profile (e.g .bash_profile) and then run 'source .bash_profile'

export PATH="$HOME/.cvm:$PATH"

Windows users

If you are using a tool like cygwin* or gitbash* follow the above instructions. If you are using the windows* command prompt, add an entry to your system path variable. Make sure it is before your entry to node_modules


How it works

We create a $HOME/.cvmrc file that stores the Cordova version you want to use. All the versions are installed in $HOME/.cvm/version so they can be run.

We also have a new Cordova file that intercepts any calls and dispatches it to the correct version you've chosen in cvm. All arguments are passed through, we simply pick a different install of Cordova to execute.

*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others