npm install persian_util
yarn add persian_util
Once the package is installed, you can import the library using import or require approach:
import { parse,types,validation,constants } from 'persian_util';
const utils = require('persian_util');
You can parse Numbers and banking card numbers and anything until this time I added to this package
checked if the card number is valid and returned it to right format
import { parse } from 'persian_util';
parse.CardNumberParse("1111-2222-3333-4444")// -> return -> "1111222233334444"
parse.CardNumberParse("1111 2222 3333 4444")// -> return -> "1111222233334444"
parse.CardNumberParse("۱۱۱۱.۲۲۲۲.۳۳۳۳.۴۴۴۴")// -> return -> "1111222233334444"
checked Difference between two specific date
import { parse } from 'persian_util';
const a = new Date("2017-01-01"),
b = new Date("2017-06-25"),
difference = parse.DateDiffInDays(a, b);
console.log(difference) // -> return -> "175" -> number of diff "175 days"
Parse the number to anything you want
Parse the English number to Persian number
import { parse } from 'persian_util';
parse.En_To_Fa("09123456789")// -> return -> "۰۹۱۲۳۴۵۶۷۸۹"
Parse the Persian number to English number
import { parse } from 'persian_util';
parse.Fa_To_En("۰۹۱۲۳۴۵۶۷۸۹")// -> return -> "09123456789"
parse.Fa_To_En("۱۱۱.۱۱۱.۱۱۱.۱۱۱")// -> return -> ""
Parse the Persian Rial To Toman
import { parse } from 'persian_util';
parse.Rial_To_Toman(10564523)// -> return -> "1056452"
Parse the Persian Rial To Toman
import { parse } from 'persian_util';
parse.Toman_To_Rial(10564523)// -> return -> 105645230
Added commas to our number and you can use it for showing price
import { parse } from 'persian_util';
parse.Add_Commas("30001000")// -> return -> "30,001,000"
Remove commas of our number and return it to the right format
import { parse } from 'persian_util';
parse.Remove_Commas("30,001,000")// -> return -> "30001000"
you could change any valid number to word
import { parse } from 'persian_util';
parse.numberToWord(120000002)// -> return -> "صد و بیست میلیون و دو"
parse.numberToWord(12000000000)// -> return -> "دوازده میلیارد"
You can validate your string, postalCode, idNumber,... and anything until this time I added to this package
Checking banking thing
Check card number of user, If it's valid return true otherwise return false
import { validation } from 'persian_util';
validation.CheckCardNumber("6037 9918 3333 4444")// -> return -> true
validation.CheckCardNumber("5859831133334444")// -> return -> true
validation.CheckCardNumber("5022-2910-3333-4444")// -> return -> true
Check card number of user, We use specific algorithm to validate without any dependency If it's valid return true otherwise return false
import { validation } from 'persian_util';
validation.CardNumberDeepCheck("5859831133334444")// -> return -> false
IBAN number of user, We use specific algorithm to validate without any dependency If it's valid return true otherwise return false
import { validation } from 'persian_util';
validation.IBANChecker("IR090560611828002222222222")// -> return -> false
Check card number of user, If it's valid return name of card bank
import { validation } from 'persian_util';
validation.CardBank("5022293345678976")// -> return -> "پاسارگاد"
Checking Id Number
Check the Id Number of user, If it's valid return province and city of user
import { validation } from 'persian_util';
validation.IdNumberFind("194")// -> return -> { province: "خوزستان", city: "بندرماهشهر" }
Check Id Number of user, If it's valid return true otherwise return false
import { validation } from 'persian_util';
validation.CheckIdNumber("۱۲۳۴۵۶۷۸۹0")// -> return -> false
validation.CheckIdNumber("123۴۶۷۱۲11")// -> return -> false
validation.CheckIdNumber("0054725112")// -> return -> false
⚠ DISCLAIMER This package is meant for personal or educational use only. All the data extracted by using this package is publicly available on the Github. I am not responsible in any way for the inappropriate use of data extracted through this library.
Checking IP of user
spacial thanks for , I using api of this website for checking ip address info
Check the IP of user, If it's valid return info of user IP
import { validation } from 'persian_util';
const handler = async () => {
const api = await new validation.IP();
const res = await api.getIpInfo("");
return res;
/* return ->
"status": "success",
"country": "United States",
"countryCode": "US",
"region": "CA",
"regionName": "California",
"city": "Santa Clara",
"zip": "95054",
"lat": 37.3931,
"lon": -121.962,
"timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
"isp": "DigitalOcean, LLC",
"org": "DigitalOcean, LLC",
"as": "AS14061 DigitalOcean, LLC",
"query": ""
Checking MAC of user
spacial thanks for , I using api of this website for checking MAC address info
Check the MAC of user, If it's valid return info of user MAC
import { validation } from 'persian_util';
const handler = async () => {
const api = await new validation.MAC();
const res = await api.getMacInfo("00:23:AB:7B:58:99");
return res
/* return ->
"startHex": "0023AB000000",
"endHex": "0023ABFFFFFF",
"startDec": "153192759296",
"endDec": "153209536511",
"company": "CISCO SYSTEMS, INC.",
"addressL1": "170 W. TASMAN DRIVE",
"addressL2": "M/S SJA-2",
"addressL3": "SAN JOSE CA 95134-1706",
"country": "UNITED STATES",
"type": "MA-L"
Checking phoneNumber of user
Check the operator of user phoneNumber, If it's valid return true otherwise return false
import { validation } from 'persian_util';
validation.isMCI("989113456787")// -> return -> true;
validation.sMTN("+989333456787")// -> return -> true;
validation.isMCI("00989163456787")// -> return -> true;
validation.isRightel("09213456787")// -> return -> true;
Checking postalCode of user
Check PostalCode of user, If it's valid return province and city of postalCode
import { validation } from 'persian_util';
/* return ->
province: "خوزستان", city: "ماهشهر"
Checking string of user
Check the string of user, return number of each word count
import { validation } from 'persian_util';
const words = "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.";
const res = validation.WordCount(words);
/* return ->
"1500s": 1, "1960s": 1, "Aldus": 1, "Ipsum": 4, "It": 2, "Letraset": 1, "Lorem": 4, "PageMaker": 1, "a": 2, "also": 1, "an": 1, "and": 3, "been": 1, "book": 1, "but": 1, "centuries": 1, "containing": 1, "desktop": 1, "dummy": 2, "electronic": 1, "essentially": 1, "ever": 1, "five": 1, "galley": 1, "has": 2, "in": 1, "including": 1, "industry": 2, "into": 1, "is": 1, "it": 1, "leap": 1, "like": 1, "make": 1, "more": 1, "not": 1, "of": 4, "only": 1, "passages": 1, "popularised": 1, "printer": 1, "printing": 1, "publishing": 1, "recently": 1, "release": 1, "remaining": 1, "s": 1, "scrambled": 1, "sheets": 1, "simply": 1, "since": 1, "software": 1, "specimen": 1, "standard": 1, "survived": 1, "text": 2, "the": 6, "to": 1, "took": 1, "type": 2, "typesetting": 2, "unchanged": 1, "unknown": 1, "versions": 1, "was": 1, "when": 1, "with": 2
Check the string of user, return number of each letter count
import { validation } from 'persian_util';
const letters = "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.";
const res = validation.letterCount(letters);
/* return ->
{ "0": 3, "1": 2, "5": 1, "6": 1, "9": 1, "A": 1, "I": 6, "L": 5, "M": 1, "P": 1, "a": 28, "b": 5, "c": 10, "d": 16, "e": 59, "f": 6, "g": 11, "h": 14, "i": 32, "k": 7, "l": 17, "m": 18, "n": 38, "o": 25, "p": 18, "r": 24, "s": 39, "t": 43, "u": 17, "v": 5, "w": 6, "x": 2, "y": 13 }
Check the string of user, return the string of removed half space from sentence
import { validation } from 'persian_util';
const sentence = "متن دلخواه خود را می نویسم"
const res = validation.PersianLetterSpacing(sentence);
// return -> "متن دلخواه خود را مینویسم"
Check the string of user, return the remove all space on text
import { validation } from 'persian_util';
validation.RemoveSpace("the star wa rrrr ssss !")// -> return -> "thestarwarrrrssss!");
you can use this class to handle your error
Is an class to handle your method to your expected value , error and message
Err("your method" ,
"expected return value" ,
"your error function and its optional" ,
" your message to return when has a error and its optional")
type of error function must be :( RangeError | EvalError | ReferenceError | SyntaxError | URIError | Error | undefined )
import { Err,validation } from 'persian_util';
const error = new Err(validation.CardBank('5022291044444444'),"پاسارگاد", SyntaxError(), "your message");
error.getError() //if you have no error return false otherwise return object of your expected error
// if you don't wanna to pass message or error function just need leave it empty
const error = new Err(validation.CardBank('5022291044444444'),"پاسارگاد");
error.getError() //if you have no error return false otherwise return object of your expected error
// if you don't wanna to pass error function but need the message to return you need to pass undefined to error function
const error = new Err(validation.CardBank('5022291044444444'),"پاسارگاد" , undefined , "your message");
error.getError() //if you have no error return false otherwise return object of your expected error