The MOOC-Dashbaord has three components: A data retrieval (update) script written in Python that downloads (meta)data about Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) from, a mysql database which stores the data and a web application, written in R, that performs analysis and renders charts based on that data.
This script (update/ fetches (meta)data about Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) from for further processing and presentation by the R/Shiny based web application.
Data scraped by beautiful soup for each course where available:
csv files from futurelearn: comments.csv enrolments.csv question-response.csv step-activity.csv team-members.csv
Specifically web scraped data: run_id (eg: 1) start_date no_of_weeks joiners leavers learners active_learners returning_learners social_learners fully_participating_learners statements_sold course (eg: Course full name) course_run (eg: agincourt - 1)
Based on the Shiny Dashboard Framework and running in Shiny Server this application analyses and plots the data fetched by the Data Retrieval script.