We have cloned a restaurant table reservation application called DineOut. It simply meant allowing diners to reserve a guaranteed table at the top restaurants in the city. Over time it has evolved to provide multiple benefits on one platform for all dining out needs.
In this Project, We have tried to implement some of the functionalities of the application like filtering the restaurants based on cuisine, offers, and the facilities available with them along with these we have tried sorting functionalities and the User flow of booking a table and applying best available offers at a restaurant.
Use the package manager npm to install required Packages.
npm install
In Back-End make sure to install mongoose@5.11.15
- After Installing Run the project in Front-End as well as Back-End
npm start --Front End
npm run server --Back End
- React
- Libraries Used
- Redux
- React-Redux
- material-ui/core
- Chakra-UI
- React Router Dom
- Redux Thunk
- After Starting the Project using npm start. You will see the landing page something similar to the below image.
When you go to book a table page where you can see filters related to different offers, tags, Cuisines, and Dineout Passport offers on the left side and also you can sort them based on rating and total cost for 2 persons from low to high and from high to low.
4.When you Click on any of the restaurant tabs you will be re-directed to the restaurant detail page over there you can book a table by selecting all the required fields over there.
- After booking if you press on continue then you will be directed to the Booking Details page over there you can see all the details related to your present and previous booking info.
We have tried our best to give almost all the functionality available on the actual website.