pass field
extends the pass utility allowing to display arbitrary field from the passfile
pass field [--name=field-name,-n filed-name] [-c] pass-file
pass field -n url pass-file
Display url field from the pass-file
pass field --name=login -c pass-file
Copy login field from the pass-file to the clipboard
pass field pass-file
same as pass show pass-file but prints password only (pass prints the whole file)
Fuzzy find wrapper for the pass. It uses (if installed)
- bemenu (Linux & Mac OS): to display matching pass-files.
- choose (Mac OS): to display matching pass-files.
- fzf (Linux & Mac OS): to display matching pass-files.
- (awesome!!!) hammerspoon (Mac OS): to send desired data to the keyboard buffer
- xdotool (Linux): to send desired data to the keyboard buffer
Sending keyboard events and sending data to clipboard (obviously) does not work over ssh.
Browsing and sending data to stdout
works everywhere.
The supporting scripts should be on the PATH
- pass-file-chooser - Fuzzy finder. Returns a pass file
- type-command - sends stuff to the keyboard buffer
- send-notify - sends desktop notifications
- play-ping - Well, plays a ping sound
- tmp-dir - internal library to generate secure or insecure temporary directories and files
fass [-t | --type | -c | --clip] partial-pass-file-name [pass command and options]
fass -c bank field --name url
Copy url field from the matching pass-file to the clipboard
fass -t bank field --name url
Send url field from the matching pass-file to the keyboard buffer
fass --clip bank otp
Copy OTP code for the matching pass-file to the clipboard
fass bank otp
Print OTP code for the matching pass-file to the stdout
This command will allow to choose any pass-file and print that file to the stdout