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Frontend Mentor - Advice generator app solution

This is a solution to the Advice generator app challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.

Table of contents


The challenge

Users should be able to:

  • View the optimal layout for the app depending on their device's screen size
  • See hover states for all interactive elements on the page
  • Generate a new piece of advice by clicking the dice icon



My process

This is my first FrontendMentor project using frontend framework (I use Angular). Initially, I wanted to make everything into a small chunk of component, then combined it together, but honestly I don't know how 🤣 so I coded everything in an app component.

This project is also the first to use API, so I made use of HttpClient module to handle my API request from AdviceSlip. But first, I had to build Quotes model to receive API response

export interface Quotes {
  slip: QuotesData;

export interface QuotesData {
  id: number;
  advice: string;

I then generated a service to get request for an advice, which will send response in a Quotes model

getQuotes() {
    return this.http.get<Quotes>(``);

This service has to be use within app, so I imported my quote service into constructor, then code a function around it, subscribe to changes, assign response to a variable, then interpolated it in an app.

  shuffle() {
    return this.quote.getQuotes().subscribe({
      next: (res) => {
        this.quotes = res;

I checked if there's no quote, it'll display "Click to get advice", otherwise it'll display whatever advice I requested, which somehow cached more than 2 seconds.

<q class="card-text">
  {{ !quotes ? "Click to get advice" : quotes!.slip.advice }}

Built with

  • Angular
  • HTML
  • SCSS
  • Flexbox
  • Bootstrap

What I learned

One of the basic topic in Angular is of course Event Binding which has this syntax:

<button (click)="onClick()"></button>

The (click) here is one of many target events. It, of course, listens for the button click. The onClick() is the method called when you click on a button.

Now, if you're working with API using Angular framework, HttpClient will help you with that. It's almost like Fetch API in JavaScript (I might be wrong, please take this with a grain of salt.)

Big, BIG thing I learned how to do is deploying the app itself. I spent like 3-4 hours trying every single tutorial I can find. Found out that I need to use angular-cli-ghpages for this, although some of the code didn't work.

Firstly, I had to git remote origin my project and then push it. After that, do npm install angular-cli-ghpages.

To actually build an app for production, I used this command: ng build --configuration=production --base-href="https://<username><your-github-project-name-here>/". Make sure you replace <username> and <your-github-project-name-here> with yours.

Finally, use this command: ngh --dir dist or ngh --dir dist/<project-name> if you build with subfolder in it.

A little thing: Before you build your app, whatever source is in your <img> tag, make sure NOT to write your filepath like this:

<img src="../assets/icon.svg">

Instead, do this:

<img src="assets/icon.svg">

your app will still find your image or icon, even after you build it.

Useful resources

  • Angular HttpClient - This is a staple for working with API in Angular.
  • Angular Event Binding - To this day, I'm still trying to understand how it works. What is input and output, how to pass data between child and parent. How to bind data, etc.
  • angular-cli-ghpages - If you wanna deploy your Angular app on Github Pages, use this thing.
