Camunda process engine plugin to simulate process execution.
When execution process definitions, the process engine waits from time to time for external events, for example user actions, conditions, timeouts etc. This process engine plugin will generate these events to run processes without external interaction, hence, to simulate real world scenarios.
They way if and when these events are triggered and if and what payload data is to be generated is configured by Camunda Properties in the bpmn-files. Optionally, all these properties can be set externally, for example in property files.
The plugin is able to simulate the past...
Like timer start event, defined by expression.
Correlates message/trigger sigal like timer start event, defined by expression.
Timer expression and payload expression needed. The plugin generates the payload when the timer is due and triggers the condition.
Correlate message after time, defined by expression.
Trigger signal after time, defined by expression. If no expression is given, we assume that the signal is thrown within the models.
Complete after time, defined by expression. Ideas: Also simulate assignee, candidates, claiming...
Replace behaviour by no-op.
Complete after time, defined by expression.
Replace by no-op.
Every flow node can have multiple properties named simulatePayload
with value of the form varname=juelExpression
For expressions, the plugin provides 'stuff' with common data generation function.
- think about throwing BPMN errors
- think about keeping execution/task listeners