The official IRC bot of the Southern Connecticut Open Source User Group!
It's written in Ruby using the Cinch framework while relying on the super-cool MongoDB as a backend. You can interact with scosugbot on the #scosug channel on Freenode.
Current features:
!memorize scosug is wonderful!
!recall scosug
#=> "I recall that scosug is wonderful!"
#=> "I recall that scosug is wonderful!"
!tell yonkeltron about scosug
#=> "yonkeltron: I recall that scosug is wonderful!"
#=> "pong -> [timestamp]"
#=> "WHA!"
In order to function, scosugbot has a few required dependencies:
- bundler
- Cinch framework
- MongoDB (the database, install from package manager)
- Mongoid (the gem)
- JSON (the gem)
- Rake
- Fortune (install from package manager)
For testing:
- RSpec
- Factory Girl](
Install MongoDB using your system's package manager or by following
the instructions on the MongoDB
site. As for the
rest, you can use carlhuda's most excellent
bundler tool to install the gems
for you. No worries, just run a bundle install
in the source
directory and the appropriate data will be read from the Gemfile
without issue.
Once you have installed the requirements, you can run the tests with
little more than a bundle exec rake
. Make sure MongoDB is running as
the test suite also serves as a way to veryify connectivity and
environmental configuration.
The tests are not so speedy because they actually have to do some database hitting but I hope to make them faster in the future. Improvements welcome.
Right now, scosug has some foul language in its vocabulary. Enjoy.
- Migrate to snippets system to provide better separation of concerns
- Weather plugin