General purpose environment wrappers for openai gym.
For a description of what these wrappers do, please look at their respective docstrings.
- FlattenedActionWrapper
- DiscretizedActionWrapper
- RescaledActionWrapper
- ToScalarActionWrapper
- RepeatActionWrapper
- FlattenedObservationWrapper
- DiscretizedObservationWrapper
- RescaledObservationWrapper
- StackObservationWrapper
- ContinuingEnvWrapper
Suppose you want to train a (D)DQN agent for an environment with continuous actions. Since DQN implementations typically expect to produce a single discrete action, the action space has to both be discretized and flattened, as demonstrated in the code below.
import gym
import space_wrappers
# An environment with a continuous action space.
# We first turn it into a MultiDiscrete, and then into
# a flat discrete action space.
env = gym.make("LunarLanderContinuous-v2")
wrapped = space_wrappers.DiscretizedActionWrapper(env, 3)
wrapped = space_wrappers.FlattenedActionWrapper(wrapped)
# this is now a single integer
- Documentation
- Handle Tuple spaces
- More Sanity checks
- Image transformations (resample, resize, ...)
- Array Transformations (reshape)
- allow pickling of wrapped envs + corresponding tests