- Given the API endpoint and the returned json blob below. Create a repository to fetch the data with the repository pattern through RxJava, Dagger 2, and Retrofit library.
Endpoint: www.freelancer.com/api/danapotplant
Note: This is a dummy api endpoint and will not work. Please treat this is a future spec release and implement with the dummy data.
"username": "DanaPotPlant",
"files": null,
"attachments": null,
"bidperiod": 7,
"skills": [
"name": "User Interface Design"
"name": "User Experience Design"
"exams": [
"name": "Aussie English G’Day Mate!",
"progress": 80
"name": "SkectApp",
"progress": 30
"avatar": "www.freelancer.com/img/danaplant.png"
Using the data from your previous answer. Create the view below with the MVP pattern and the use of CoordinatorLayout.
Profile and reviews are tabs so they can be slide and switched
Default same blue color throughout
- Bonus save profile button is sticky (as you scroll up and down, it is always visible)
- Bonus menu option in the toolbar will have Share, Save, and Export option