A repo containing all of my motion planning algorithm projects.
This diagram shows the notional, evolving class design for the underlying project framework:
This repo contains implementations of Bug Algorithms and a Forwards / Inverse Kinematics solver for a 3-link manipulator.
Results of the implentation include:
- plots of the path performance of the different bug planning algorithms on multiple environments
- plots of the results of running forwards / inverse kinematics on a user specified 2-link manipulator
Bug 1 Algorithm | Bug 2 Algorithm | 3-Link Manipulator |
Implementation of a 2-D 2DoF manipulator configuration space visualizer, as well as implementations of a gradient descent and wavefront planner for this manipulator.
Results of the implentation include:
- C-Space visualizer for a translating, rotating robot and obstacle of the same polygonal shape
- Gradient descent planner path visualization for a point robot in multiple enviroments, including those from the bugAlgorithms_and_kinematics repo.
- Wavefront planner path visualization for a point robot in multiple enviroments, including those from the bugAlgorithms_and_kinematics repo.
- C-Space visualizer for a 2-link manipulator with arbitrary polygonal obstacles
- Wavefront planner workspace path for the 2-link manipulator
2-Link Manipulator Plan Viz. | 2-Link Manipulator C-Space | Potential Gradient Planner |
Implementation of the A* and Dijkstra optimal graph search algorithms, a Fast Probabilistic Roadmap (PRM) Planner with path smoothing, and a benchmarking suite for doing parametric performance evaluation of the planners modules.
Built with a networkx
Graph backbone and library implementations of:
- Set-Priority Queue (based on
) - KDTree (based on
) - Union-Find (based on
ADTs for speed.
Results of the imlementation include:
- Visualization and implementation of the A and Dijkstra Optimal Search Algorithms*
- Smoothing PRM Planner path visualization for a point robot in multiple enviroments, including those from the cSpaceViz_Gradient_Wavefront_planners repo.
- Benchmarking and statistical analysis / visualization of the Smoothing PRM Planner in multiple enviroments, with the ability to do parametric studies of planner parameters.
PRM Planner | Path Length Benchmarking | Computation Time Benchmarking |