Make sure you java version is at 1.8+.
cd into fuseki/fuseki/apache-jena-fuseki-3.13.1 (“FUSEKI_HOME” directory) and run the “fuseki-server” script
- open your browser at localhost:3030 and login with one of the fake credentials in fuseki/fuseki/apache-jena-fuseki-3.13.1/run/shiro.ini f.e. admin:admin
- add a new project*-config.ttl to ./apache-jena-fuseki-3.13.1/run/configuration/
- add a user credentials and an url/endpoint to shiro.ini
- Restart the fuseki server. The new project*-config.ttl will be loaded on startup. All needed components like the TDB2 (Triple store) will be generated. Check your project/endpoints at localhost:3030
There are basically three ways to import data:
- Uploading files to your dataset over the UI at localhost:3030 (Import small sets of data)
- HTTP POST to SPARQL endpoint (Import small sets of data)
- Import/Load files via script (Import huge sets of data. Most performant)
- Stop the fuseki server
- Cd into [FUSEKI_HOME] and hit
$ sh [yourscript] --loc=[location/of/your/tdb-database] [yourImportfile.ttl]
for example:
$ sh scripts/tdb2.tdbloader --loc=run/databases/lombardus-database run/databases/animal_example.ttl
- Wait until done and start the fuseki server
- hit sh scripts/tdb2.tdbloader --help for further options
- CD into your FUSEKI_HOME directory and hit
$ sh scripts/tdb2.tdbbackup --loc=run/databases/your-database --output=nq
- Check the created gzip containing your data in the given format (output) in the given directory ../your-database/backups.
- hit sh scripts/tdb2.tdbbackup --help for further options