- Postgres, Oracle & Neo4j databases can be access by a dababase tool like DBeaver
- MongoDB databases can be access by a dababase tool like Studio 3T
- Download Docker Desktop for Windows
- Familiarize yourself with Docker Compose CLI
- Download Docker Desktop for Mac
- Familiarize yourself with Docker Compose CLI
- Make sure that you are in the directory of the compose.yaml file you want to run in either Treminal(Mac User) or Compand Prompt(Windows User).
- Run the following to start the image:
docker compose up
No password required to connect database in Studio 3T
No password required to connect database in DBeaver
Performance & Storage Indicators
- Username: SYSTEM
- Password: P@ssw0rd1!
To connect database in DBeaver
- Host: localhost
- Port: 1521
- Database: XE
- Username: SYSTEM
- Role: Normal
- Password: P@ssw0rd1!
To connect database in DBeaver
- Host: localhost
- Port: 5432
- Database: postgres
- Username: postgres
- Password: postgres