This application is a web based streaming application used in a hologram streaming project. The application uses Socket.IO to establish a P2P Connection in Javascript. That connection is nessecary to stream the data from the WebRTC API to every connected client in realtime.
NOTE before trying to use the app you need to create a database with an users table and pass the database credentials in the server js file.
1.1 You need to have working database. I have included a database_import.sql file you can use to create a database with a single table called 'users'.
1.2 Edit the server.js file on line 92 and insert in your database credentials.
$ {
host: 'localhost',
port: '1234',
user: 'username',
password: 'password',
database: 'database_name',
connectionLimit: 10
You will need to have node.js and npm. If you don't have it installed already refrence this link:
I use Nodemon to speed up the development process.
To install nodemon globally use the command:
$ npm install -g nodemon
Then install all the required dependencies by the following command:
$ npm install
When all the dependencies are installed correctly run:
$ nodemon server.js
Without nodemon run:
$ node server.js
You can use docker to run the app. To install docker engine refrence this link:
I added dockerfiles to create images and a docker compose file to run the app on the host machine.
$ docker pull nigelhr/streaming-app-image
$ docker run -dt nigelhr/streaming-app-image -p 3000:3000
In terminal navigate to the folder of the app and run:
$ docker build -t streaming-app .
Check your images with the following command:
$ docker images
Then run:
$ docker run -dt [created image] -p 3000:3000
Happy testing ❤️ Nigel