An example oauth integration with reactjs frontend and a django backend with google and github login
- git clone the repository
- cd backend -> virtualenv venv -> activate -> pip install -r requirements.txt
- create a .env file in the clear_dj backend folder and paste your django secret key: SECRET_KEY='your_secret_key'
- run python makemigrations and python migrate and python createsuperuser
- log into the /admin panel and create an application refering to
- open your .env file in the clear_dj folder and paste your CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET from the created application: CLIENT_ID="your_oauth_toolkit_applicationID", CLIENT_SECRET="your_oauth_toolkit_applicationSECRET"
- in your .env file place the google and github KEY and SECRET from the google and github applications registered on and SOCIAL_AUTH_GOOGLE_OAUTH2_KEY="your_google_oauth2_key" SOCIAL_AUTH_GOOGLE_OAUTH2_SECRET='your_google_oauth2_secret' and SOCIAL_AUTH_GITHUB_KEY='your_guthub_key' SOCIAL_AUTH_GITHUB_SECRET="your_github_secret"
- open your django api at the endpoint /dogs/ and create some model instances for this permissons.IsAuthenticated route
- cd frontend -> npm install
- open the src/actions/googleAuthActions.js module and paste your django oauth toolkit id and secret into the django_client_id and django_client_secret variables
- if you want you can switch your Google and Github login button clientIds
- npm start and you should be able to log in with google and github
- Implicit oauth2 flow with a google backend
- Authorization ouath2 flow with a github backend
- A protected route /secret that can only be accessed by authenticated users
- Dynamic navbar displaying if the user is logged in or not
- storing the access_tokens received from the Django-backend in localStorage
- handling refresh tokens
- error handling
- integration of django-rest-framework-social-oauth2
- api endpoint /githubcode/ that sends a post request to github with query params in order to get an access token
- a model which is only accessible for authenticated users
- handling refresh tokens
- testing and error handling