- The goal is to understand the concept of policy gradient algorithms, develop the TD actor-critic algorithm and apply it to solve OpenAI gym environments.
- Implemented TD actor-critic algorithm from scratch.
- Defined 3 separate networks actor, critic, and policy.
- Actor is used to taking any action based on the decision given by the critic network. A policy network is used to predict probabilities to act by actor-network.
- Solved Grid-world, Open AI 'Lunar Lander-v2' and 'Cartpole-v1' complex environments. (i.e. refer to report for results)
The actor-critic algorithm performed well on Grid-world and converged sooner. I tried different setups for Lunar Lander with different hidden nodes and optimizer learning rates, small learning rates provided better results.
On cartpole the actor-critic took around 450 episodes to converge on contrary to DQN in less than 100 episodes. So, the actor-critic takes a lot of time exploring and converges slower compared to value-based approximation algorithms.