Dockerfiles used to build a set of images based on Red Hat and derivative open distros, ready to be used with Molecule to test Ansible roles. The images currently available are:
- centos7-pys
- centos7-pys-systemd
- centos-stream8-pys
- centos-stream8-pys-systemd
- centos-stream9-pys
- centos-stream9-pys-systemd
- fedora35-pys
- fedora35-pys-systemd
- fedora36-pys
- fedora36-pys-systemd
- fedora37-pys
- fedora37-pys-systemd
- fedora-pys
- fedora-pys-systemd
- rockylinux8-pys
- rockylinux8-pys-systemd
- rockylinux9-pys
- rockylinux9-pys-systemd
- ubuntu1804-pys
- ubuntu1804-pys-systemd
- ubuntu2004-pys
- ubuntu2004-pys-systemd
- ubuntu2204-pys
- ubuntu2204-pys-systemd
- ubuntu-pys
- ubuntu-pys-systemd
All Dockerfiles are directly derived from those made available by the Pycontribs and the CentOS-Dockerfiles projects. All the corresponding images are available on Docker Hub.