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A collection of VapourSynth script that I used sometimes.


  1. VapourSynth R51+
  2. fvsfunc
  3. vsutil


  1. havsfunc Used at adaptive_degrain2 (SMDegrain)
  2. mvsfunc Used at adaptive_degrain2 (BM3D)


A collection of script to get the best possible quality from multi-source video.

  1. better_frame
  2. better_planes

A collection of comparision script

  1. check_difference
  2. save_difference
  3. stack_compare
    • interleave_compare
    • compare

check_difference is mostly the same as save_difference, but instead of saving the frame difference into a picture check_difference would only print out into console what frame have difference from the provided threshold.

stack_compare or compare is a way to compare multiple video or clip and interleave_compare is a wrapped partial function for stack_compare that interleave between multiple video

A collection of degraining script.

  1. adaptive_degrain2
    • adaptive_bm3d
    • adaptive_dfttest
    • adaptive_knlm
    • adaptive_tnlm
    • adaptive_smdegrain

This module only contains a single actual function which is adaptive_degrain2, everything else is a partial wrapped function for adaptive_degrain2 where the kernel is changed.

A collection of mask creation tools.

  1. antiedgemask
    • antiedge
  2. simple_native_mask
    • native_mask
  3. recursive_apply_mask
    • rapplym

A collection of scaling function.

  1. masked_descale
  2. upscale_nnedi3
  3. adaptive_scaling
    • adaptive_rescale
    • adaptive_descale

upscale_nnedi3 is actually a typed-version and "fixed" version of nnedi3_rpow2. The reason is because the latest version of Vapoursynth does not like it.

A collection of utilities script, might not be useful.

  1. is_extension
  2. register_format

A collection of script to handle video or image source.

  1. source
    • src
  2. SimpleFrameReplace
    • frame_replace
    • sfr
  3. debug_clip
    • debugclip
  4. shift_444

More information of every script can be seen from the docstring.


This project is licensed with MIT License.