A syncing cli tool that can handle more than two directories locally and remotely
$ make
# make install
$ make clean
# make uninstall
$ cmake -B build
$ cd build
$ make
# make install
$ cd build
# make uninstall
$ cd ..
$ rm -rf build
$ nix profile install github:nodeluna/lunas
to install lunas without remote syncing, i.e without libssh
$ nix profile install github:nodeluna/lunas#lunas-local
gcc >= 12 or clang >= 16
lunas need libssh >= 0.11.* to build and run. the package may be named libssh, libssh-dev or libssh-devel on your distro
lunas can be compiled without libssh, with local syncing only, as follows
$ make local
# make install
remove the old 'build' directory first if exists
read the man page and/or --help statement
when running "$ make" compiles the program and the binary is placed in the repo's main directory and build files in ./build
when running "# make install" the binary file is copied to /usr/bin/lunas , and the man page to /usr/share/man/man1/lunas.1
when running "$ make clean" the ./build is removed. And the binary is removed from the repo's directory but not from /usr/bin/lunas
when running "# make uninstall" the binary file is removed from /usr/bin/lunas as well as /usr/share/man/man1/lunas.1
thanks to libssh, lunas can sync remote directories with local or/and remote ones using sftp. Read the --help statement
nodeluna - nodeluna@proton.me