NASA Spring 2019 internship in the Remote Sensing Branch at Langley Research Center.
Rare earth ion laser model conversion from Fortran95 to MATLAB.
Each program has its own README to describe the files associate and give more particular information.
Developed by Dr. Brian Walsh. Based on Spectroscopy and modeling of solid state lanthanide lasers: Application to trivalent Tm3+ and Ho3+ in YLiF4 and LuLiF4 in the Journal of Applied Physics 95, 7, April 1, 2004. Current version found here is 2.72
Previous attempts to replicate above paper in MATLAB, not given original Fortran code.
Program to replicate Fortran results (and in above paper) closely modeled after the Fortran program (given).
Began February 2019; Presented May 2019.
Includes the full set of final MATLAB code for the conclusion of this project. The gives a descriptive list of each file.
Each file (ppt, pdf, and png) used in the internship conclusion poster presentation.