A collaborative link sharing platform
Find out about the motivation and ideas for the project in ORIGIN.md
Octonews is a website rendered by Jekyll and is easy to publish to GitHub Pages. People can share links through pull requests by adding files to the _data/news folder. Instead of editing the YAML files directly, Octonews has a custom HTML form to submit links and is talking to the GitHub API to create the pull-requests automagically without people even knowing about it. All it takes is logging in with their GitHub account, which is built into Octonews, too.
All GitHub API calls are abstracted away in a higher-level API, which is implemented in [assets/octonews.js]. The Octonews
object is accessible globally everywhere on the website.
if (Octonews.isSignedIn()) {
// user is signed in
Octonews.set(key, value)
Octonews.signIn() // redirects to GitHub to sign in
// fetch current user’s account information
// fetch current user’s account information using single-use code & state
// query parameter from the GitHub OAuth redirect
Octonews.fetchAccount({code, state})
.then(({token, scope, login, avatarUrl}) => {
// submit a link
Octonews.submitLink({url, tile})
// load pending link submissions