This is an information only release, no code changes are included.
Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this extension over the years.
Since I have not had a running wiki, nor time to devote to this extension in years, I have decided to hand over maintenance and development to the wikitek team, who has a long track record in the mediawiki space. I hope this to be a positive move to keep the extension working for everyone for years to come. If for whatever reason in the future you're unhappy with their stewardship, feel free to fork either repo, the license should allow you to do so.
No new code releases will be made on this repository.
All issues have been moved to mediawiki's phabricator, and new ones should be posted there.
I plan to do 2 more releases, both information only. The first will have the information for where to point your new packagist repo to.
The last one will be announcing the archiving of this repo.
Lastly, it may be eventually be deleted completely, including the packagist repo. The history of everything is in the mediawiki git repo now.
Thank you everyone.