This repository contains examples of how to develop applications directly in your Kubernetes cluster using okteto, with different programming languages, frameworks and deployment tools.
- Django + Celery
- Eleventy
- Go + gRPC
- Flask + CockroachDB
- Python, fastapi and Celery
- Grails
- Node and Websockets
- Multiple services with Node and React
- PHP + Webpack
- React
- React + Java Spring Boot (Maven) + MySQL
- Ruby on Rails
- Ruby on Rails + Sidekiq + Redis + PostgreSQL
- Clojure + Shadow CLJS
- Coder in Kubernetes
- TensorFlow with Jupyter Notebooks
- VS Code Remote Development
- PyCharm Remote Development
- Movies: NodeJs + MongoDB
- Movies: Multirepo
- Guestbook: Go + Redis
- ToDO List: Go + Postgres
- Chaos Engineering with Litmus and Okteto Cloud
- Polling App: React + Java Spring Boot (Maven) + MySQL
- Message Processing: Python + Flask + Kafka
- GraphQL: Node + Apollo Server
- Developing Like a Boss Series: AngularJS + Python + Spark
- Develop and test your code directly in Kubernetes using Okteto and Civo Cloud
- OpenFaaS Deno HTTP function
- OpenFaaS Rust HTTP function
- Micronaut Application to raffle prizes using a google sheet as backend
- Shopware 6 in Okteto
- Sinatra app
- Spring Boot and IntelliJ
- Run your own Chainlink Developer Node with Okteto
- Anonymize production data with Privacy Dynamics and use it safely in development
- Deploy Elasticsearch 8.x on Kubernetes with Okteto
Did we miss your favorite platform? Do you have a cool demo? File an issue with your request, or better yet, send us a PR!